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VAST Tools Example Notebooks

This section provides example Jupyter Notebooks that demonstrate how to use the various features and components that VAST Tools offer.


Users may prefer the more traditional Jupyter Notebook format rendering by viewing them directly in the GitHub repository here. They can also be easily downloaded from this location.

The available notebooks are:

  • Catalogue Crossmatch
    Provides an example of how to match an external catalogue to a VAST Pipeline run or a VAST Tools Query.

  • Planet Searching
    Provides an example of how to check for planets in a pipeline run or in the VAST Pilot Survey using a VAST Tools Query.

  • Query Source Search
    Provides an example of how to use a VAST Tools Query to search for a source. Note that it is now preferable to search for a source in the pipeline run of the VAST Pilot Survey data.

  • Using VAST MOCs
    Provides an example of how to use the MOC files of the VAST Pilot Survey that are packaged with VAST Tools.

  • VAST Pipeline Exploration
    Provides an example of how to interact with a run from the VAST Pipeline.

Warning: Example Parameters

Remember that while the parameters and thresholds used in the example notebooks may provide a good starting point, they may not be best suited to your own science goals.

Reporting Issues or Requesting a New Example

To report an issue with a notebook please open an issue on the GitHub repository here.

To request that a new example be included in the notebooks please open a discussion on the GitHub repository here.

Last update: August 6, 2021
Created: August 6, 2021