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VAST Tools uses the pytest framework to perform unit tests on the codebase.

The pytest-mock plugin is also used to streamline any required mocks.

Automatic Tests

The test suite is run automatically on every new pull request opened.

Complex Testing

Some aspects of the codebase are challenging to test comprehensively due to the complexity of the tasks. Many perform dataframe operations or require specific data to test. The testing introduced in version 3.0.0 tests makes sure the main components but some 'smoke tests' are present and could be improved.

Tests Structure

The tests can be found in the tests directory, which contains the following files:

├── data
│   ├── surveys_db
│   │   ├── epoch_2
│   │   │   ├── beam_inf_10342-VAST_2253-43A.csv
│   │   │   └── field_data.csv
│   │   └── description.csv
│   ├── psr-j2129-04-pipe-meas.csv
│   ├── psr-j2129-04-query-meas.csv
│   ├── test_images.csv
│   ├── test_measurement_pairs.csv
│   ├── test_measurements.csv
│   ├── test_measurements_vaex.csv
│   ├── test_pairs_df_result.csv
│   ├── test_skymap_gw190814.fits.gz
│   ├── test_sources.csv
│   └── vast_epoch2_info.csv

As shown above, the tests for each component are written in their own respective file. For example all the tests for vasttools/ are located in tests/

Test Data

No External Data

The tests do not need to fetch any external data to run the tests. All test data is locally packaged or defined.

To be tested comprehensively, some components require representative dummy data. While some of this is small enough to be defined within the test files, some data is large enough that it is stored in the tests/data directory. This is detailed in the table below.

data file description used in
psr-j2129-04-pipe-meas.csv A measurements dataframe attached to a source object created from a pipeline run. test_source
psr-j2129-04-query-meas.csv A measurements dataframe attached to a source object created from a vast tools query. test_source
test_images.csv Images dataframe used by the dummy pipeline run. test_pipeline
test_measurement_pairs.csv Measurement pairs dataframe used by the dummy pipeline run. test_pipeline
test_measurements.csv Measurements dataframe used by the dummy pipeline run. test_pipeline
test_measurements_vaex.csv Measurements dataframe used by the dummy pipeline run, written by vaex instead of pandas. test_pipeline
test_pairs_df_result.csv Pairs dataframe used by the dummy pipeline run. test_pipeline
test_skymap_gw190814.fits.gz A skymap file used for testing the skymap methods in test_tools
test_sources.csv Sources dataframe used by the dummy pipeline run. test_pipeline
beam_inf_10342-VAST_2253-43A.csv Example beam information csv file used by the dummy ASKAP_SURVEYS repo test_tools
field_data.csv Example field information csv file used by the dummy ASKAP_SURVEYS repo test_tools
vast_epoch2_info.csv Field information file, the expected output from _create_fields_df test_tools

Dummy Pipeline Run

To test the pipeline component a dummy pipeline run was constructed. This was done by using the test data for the VAST Pipeline and extracting three sources and all accompanying data. One of these sources was made sure to be PSR J2129-04. Specifically this means exporting the pipeline data products that are normally loaded by the pipeline component.

Small dataframes that represent the data are defined directly in the tests/ where as the larger dataframes are contained in the files detailed above.

Warning: CSV Storage

For legibility the dataframes are stored as CSV files. However this means that some column data types are not interpreted correctly by pandas upon reading. Be wary of this if any new data is added.

If in the future the VAST Pipeline is updated and new data products are added, then the test data here will need to be updated to reflect the changes.

Running the Tests

After installing the development dependancies to the python environment, the full test suite can be run by using the following command:

pytest -vv

The -vv is optional but recommended as it provides a more detailed verbose output.

Running the tests for a single component can be done by specifying the test file. For example, the command to run the source tests would be:

pytest -vv tests/

A single test can be run by specifying it in the command, for example:

pytest -vv tests/

Writing Tests

Tips on writing tests:

  • Follow the style already present if you are unsure.
  • Make use of pytest fixtures.
  • Use the pytest-mock plugin framework to mock required parts of the tests. This guide may help newcomers.
  • Write docstrings for your tests so that it is clear what is being tested.

Warning: Flake8 Lint Check and pytest-mock

Due to the way the mocker object from pytest-mock is imported and used, flake8 will flag the import as violating the unused import F401 rule. To avoid this make sure the mocker object is imported with the flag to ignore this rule as so:

from pytest_mock import mocker  # noqa: F401

Tests Coverage

The pytest-cov package is included in the dependancies. A coverage report can be obtained by including the following option when running the tests:

pytest -vv --cov=vasttools

Last update: July 18, 2023
Created: September 27, 2021