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This class provides methods to load and interact with results from the VAST Pipeline. There are ready made functions to:

  • Load the pipeline outputs into dataframes ready for analysis.
  • Explore individual sources.
  • Run provided transient and variability searches.
  • Check for the Sun, Moon and planets in the pipeline run.
  • Recalculate the sources data after filters have been applied.
  • Create a MOC of the pipeline run.

Warning: Data Access

It is assumed that the machine that is running VAST Tools has access to the pipeline output and the images that were used in the pipeline. Refer to the Configuration & Data Access page for more information.

Using the Pipeline Component

Info: VAST Pipeline Example Notebook

An example notebook of using the Pipeline component can be found in the example notebooks section here. Using the pipeline results to crossmatch to external catalogues is also demonstrated in the catalogue crossmatch example notebook.

The first step is to initialise a Pipeline instance from vasttools.pipeline:


from vasttools.pipeline import Pipeline

pipe = Pipeline()

If configured correctly, VAST Tools should automatically detected where the Pipeline directory is located on the system. If this is not the case then the variable project_dir can be passed when initialising the instance to define where the pipeline outputs are located. Refer to the Configuration & Data Access page for more information.

Example: Defining the Project Directory

pipe = Pipeline(project_dir='/path/to/the/pipeline-runs/')

Available Pipeline Methods

The following methods are available with the Pipeline instance.

Info: Code Reference

Each method below has a link to the Code Reference section which provides full details of the method, including the arguments.


Code reference.

Provides a list of all the images that have been processed in the pipeline.




Code reference.

Provides a list of all the pipeline runs that have been set up in the pipeline.

Note: Pipeline Runs

This works by searching for the created directories in the pipeline output folder. Hence, pipeline runs listed here may not have been successfully completed.




Code reference.

Loads the pipeline run requested returning a vasttools.pipeline.PipeAnalysis instance (see sections below).


Load the pipeline run named pilot_survey

my_pipe_run = pipe.load_run('pilot_survey')


Code reference.

Loads multiple pipeline runs that are requested and merges them to return a single vasttools.pipeline.PipeAnalysis instance (see sections below).

Warning: Same Pipeline Assumption

It is assumed you are loading runs from the same Pipeline instance. If this is not the case then erroneous results may be returned.


Load the two runs pilot_survey and pilot_survey_phase_2.

my_pipe_run = pipe.load_runs(['pilot_survey', 'pilot_survey_phase_2'])

PipeAnalysis Instances

A loaded run using the Pipeline.load_run() method is returned as a vasttools.pipeline.PipeAnalysis instance. This object contains the loaded raw data of the pipeline as well has having access to various methods to perform common analysis tasks. The sections below detail what data and methods are available.

Accessing PipeAnalysis Run Data

Code reference.

The run data is stored as attributes to the PipeAnalysis object, which are all shown in the table below. This means that to access any of the pieces of pipeline run data, for example sources, the command would be:

Example: Accessing the Pipeline Data

Accessing the source attribute from the PipeAnalysis object stored as my_pipe_run.


id wavg_ra wavg_dec avg_compactness min_snr max_snr wavg_uncertainty_ew wavg_uncertainty_ns avg_flux_int avg_flux_peak max_flux_peak max_flux_int min_flux_peak min_flux_int min_flux_peak_isl_ratio min_flux_int_isl_ratio v_int v_peak eta_int eta_peak new new_high_sigma n_neighbour_dist vs_abs_significant_max_peak m_abs_significant_max_peak vs_abs_significant_max_int m_abs_significant_max_int n_measurements n_selavy n_forced n_siblings n_relations
1 321.973 0.699851 1.19165 50.0035 50.0035 0.000282565 0.000282565 17.161 14.401 14.401 17.161 14.401 17.161 1 1 0 0 0 0 False 0 0.0797685 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
2 323.714 -2.60374 0.984136 35.6238 50.4427 0.000115396 0.000115396 14.8353 15.056 16.293 18.188 14.278 10.097 1 1 0.220432 0.0483071 34.0201 4.77011 False 0 0.0671826 4.37252 0.131824 9.7928 0.572105 6 6 0 0 0
3 322.062 -3.65218 1.10679 28.9505 51.573 0.00011714 0.00011714 11.2827 10.2657 14.492 17.725 7.602 8.53 1 1 0.318601 0.320678 44.727 144.446 False 0 0.0483475 18.271 0.623699 12.2216 0.700438 6 6 0 0 0
4 316.332 -2.60898 1.11456 52.4078 64.4311 0.000114767 0.000114767 15.6558 14.0617 14.497 19.35 13.364 12.002 1 1 0.166578 0.0334684 35.3403 3.70799 False 0 0.0724847 0 0 10.9505 0.468742 6 6 0 0 0
5 323.796 1.83018 1.0673 40.236 40.236 0.000284353 0.000284353 15.288 14.324 14.324 15.288 14.324 15.288 1 1 0 0 0 0 False 0 0.0485506 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Info: VAST Pipeline Outputs

Refer to this page in the VAST Pipeline documentation for details on the Pipeline outputs.

Attribute Name Description
associations The pipeline output associations.parquet loaded into a pandas dataframe.
images The pipeline output images.parqeut loaded into a pandas dataframe.
measurements The pipeline output measurements.parquet or measurements.arrow loaded into a pandas dataframe or vaex dataframe, respectively.
relations The pipeline output relations.parqeut loaded into a pandas dataframe.
skyregions The pipeline output skyregions.parqeut loaded into a pandas dataframe.
sources The pipeline output sources.parqeut loaded into a pandas dataframe.
sources_skycoord A astropy.coords.SkyCoordinate instance of the all the sources positions for convenience.

Info: vaex

For large pipeline runs, the individual measurements of the run are loaded into a vaex dataframe, instead of using pandas. vaex is a recently developed data analysis package that loads data in an 'out-of-core' context, which means the data is not loaded into memory. This makes the exploration much faster and lightweight, but vaex does have some differences to pandas. It is recommended to refer to the vaex documentation if you are new to the package.

User warnings will appear when vaex has been used to load data.

Available PipeAnalysis Methods

The following methods are available to the PipeAnalysis instance.

Dev Note

The PipeAnalysis object inherits from vasttools.pipeline.PipeRun, hence, some of the methods are attached to this object in the Code Reference section.


Code reference.

Checks to see if any of the planets, including Pluto, the Sun and the Moon, are observable at any time in the pipeline run. A pandas dataframe will be returned containing the positions of found objects. An empty dataframe will be returned if no objects are in the pipeline run.

The columns of the returned dataframe are:

  • DATEOBS The date of the observation (image) being checked.
  • centre-ra The right ascension coordinate of the image centre in degrees.
  • centre-dec The declination coordinate of the image centre in degrees.
  • planet The name of the planet.
  • ra The right ascension coordinate of the planet location in degrees.
  • dec The declination coordinate of the planet location in degrees.
  • sep The on-sky separation between the planet location and the image centre in degrees.


planets = my_pipe_run.check_for_planets()


Code reference.

Combines the current run with another PipeAnalysis object that has been loaded, i.e. a second pipeline run. It returns a new PipeAnalysis object with the two runs combined.

Warning: Same Pipeline Assumption

It is assumed you are loading runs from the same Pipeline instance. If this is not the case then erroneous results may be returned.


Combines my_pipe_run with another run defined as my_second_pipe_run.

my_new_pipe_run = my_pipe_run.combine_with_run(my_second_pipe_run)


Code reference.

This creates a Multi-Order Coverage map for the area covered by the pipeline run.

Warning: Long Processing Time

This is not recommended for pipeline runs with a lot of images (> 200) as the process can take a very long time.


my_pipe_run_moc = my_pipe_run.create_moc()


Code reference.

Returns a new PipeAnalysis instance that has had all data filtered to only include data of sources that are within a supplied MOC.


Filtering the pipeline run by a MOC defined by my_moc.

my_pipe_run_filtered = my_pipe_run.filter_by_moc(my_moc)


Code reference.

Fetches a specific source from the pipeline run, and returns a vasttools.source.Source instance. The source is selected by using the ID value.

Info: A VAST Tools Source

A vasttools.source.Source object has the ability to plot lightcurves, postage stamps and to search for images of the source in other surveys. Refer to the Source page of this documentation to learn more about vasttools.source.Source objects.


Seleting a source with ID 500.

my_source = my_pipe_run.get_source(500)


Code reference.

A convenience function to generate a SkyCoord object of all the sources in the PipeAnalysis.sources attribute. Returns a astropy.coordines.SkyCoord instance.

Tip: Custom Source dataframe

The method can also generate a SkyCoord from a provided sources dataframe. Check the Code reference for more details.


sources_skycoord = my_pipe_run.get_sources_skycoord()


Code reference.

By default the raw two-epoch metrics produced by the pipeline are not loaded. This method loads the two-epoch metrics, stored by the pipeline in measurement_pairs.parquet (or measurement_pairs.arrow) and saves them as an attribute to the PipeAnalysis object: PipeAnalysis.measurement_pairs_df. The method also creates a second dataframe that lists all the possible epoch pairs, i.e., all the unique pairs of images that make up the measurement pairs. This is stored as the attribute PipeAnalysis.pairs_df.

Warning: vaex

For large runs where a measurement_pairs.arrow file has been produced by the pipeline, vaex will be used to load the measurement_pairs dataframe. A user warning will be given when vaex is used.

Info: Two Epoch Metrics

Refer to this page in the VAST Pipeline documentation to learn more about the two-epoch metrics.


Loading the two-epoch metrics.

Which will create the following attributes:


Code reference.

Warning: Run Time & Memory

Beware that for large pipeline runs the recalculation can take some time to complete and use up considerable memory. On a shared instance, e.g. a Jupyter Hub environment, the admin may need to be consulted to allow for enough memory access.

A method to recalculate the measurement pairs dataframe using a provided measurements dataframe that is assumed to have been edited. For example, some measurements could have been removed or the fluxes could have been changed to corrected values.


The result of this method can be used with recalc_sources_df to update the significant vs and m columns in the sources dataframe.


new_measurement_pairs = my_pipe_run.recalc_measurement_pairs_df(my_filtered_measurements)


Code reference.

Warning: Run Time & Memory

Beware that for large pipeline runs the recalculation can take some time to complete and use up considerable memory. On a shared instance, e.g. a Jupyter Hub environment, the admin may need to be consulted to allow for enough memory access.

This method recalculates the sources dataframe using the provided measurements dataframe. In particular, all the columns that are averages, counts or the variability metrics are recalculated. It is useful for cases where measurements are filtered out of the original measurements dataframe, or have fluxes changed, and hence the source dataframe becomes out of sync. Returns a pandas dataframe.

Tip: Changed Measurement Fluxes

If the measurement fluxes have been changed then a recalculated measurement pairs dataframe should be provided in order to calculate the correct new values of the significant vs and m columns. A recalculated pairs dataframe can be obtained from the recalc_measurement_pairs_df detailed on this page, and can be supplied using the measurement_pairs_df argument. See the example section below on how to supply the dataframe.

If no measurement pairs dataframe is provided then a filtered measurement pairs dataframe will be used to calculate the new columns with the original fluxes.

Warning: Not Recalculated

Two metrics are not re-calculated:

  • new
  • new_source_high_sigma

As these metrics are too complex to recalculate in this environment.


new_sources_df = my_pipe_run.recalc_sources_df(my_filtered_measurements)
Or with a corrected measurement pairs dataframe:
new_measurement_pairs = my_pipe_run.recalc_measurement_pairs_df(my_filtered_measurements)

new_sources_df = my_pipe_run.recalc_sources_df(
    my_filtered_measurements, measurement_pairs_df=new_measurement_pairs)
The new sources could then be assigned to the pipeline run if desired:
my_pipe_run.sources = new_sources_df

Available PipeAnalysis Transient Analysis Methods

The following methods are designed to perform common transient search analyses and plots on the loaded pipeline run data, including the production of useful plots.

Info: Variability Statistics

Refer to this page in the VAST Pipeline documentation to learn more about the variability metrics the pipeline provides.


Code reference.

Produces a diagnostic plot using the η and V metrics as described in Rowlinson et al., 2019. Returns a matplotlib.pyplot.figure instance.


diag_plot = my_pipe_run.eta_v_diagnostic_plot()
Example Plot

Eta-v diagnostic plot.


Code reference.

Produce a two-epoch metric plot of the m and vs values of the requested pair ID (i.e. the pair of images). The pair ID can be found in the pairs_df attribute after load_two_epoch_metrics() has been used. There are options to change the m_min and vs_min thresholds and to switch to using integrated flux instead of the peak flux (default). The plots can be returned as a matplotlib.pyplot.figure instance or a bokeh.plotting.figure instance. Also available are two styles, style a follows the plot style found in Mooley et al., 2016 where as style b follows the style found in Radcliffe et al., 2019.

Tip: Query String

This method has the ability to pass a query string. See the tip in run_eta_v_analysis for details.

Warning: Bokeh Output

Remember that the output_notebook must be initialised in order to view any bokeh output in a Jupyter Notebook environment.

from import output_notebook



Plot the two epoch pairs for pair with ID 14.

two_epoch_plot = my_pipe_run.plot_two_epoch_pairs(14)

Example Plot Style a

Two-epoch metrics plot (style a).

Example Plot Style b

Two-epoch metrics plot (style b).


Code reference.

Method to perform the η-V transient search method as described in Rowlinson et al., 2019, to the sigma level provided for each metric. It uses the η and V metrics defined in the sources dataframe. The distributions of η and V in the sources dataframe are fitted with a Gaussian, which is then used to calculate the requested sigma value for each parameter. Any sources that have η and V values above the calculated thresholds are considered as variable candidates.

The method returns a tuple containing:

  • η cutoff value,
  • the V cutoff value,
  • dataframe of candidates,
  • candidates plot,
  • the diagnostic plot (optional).

The η and V cutoff values are the calculated values for the provided sigma limit. The candidates dataframe contains any sources that exceed both the η and V thresholds (found in the top right-hand quadrant of the plot). The candidates plot can either be a matplotlib.pyplot.figure or bokeh.layouts.gridplot instance.

Tip: Query String

This method allows the user to pass a query to the method which is a string representation of a query that is used with the pandas.DataFrame.query method on the sources dataframe.

For example, using the column names of the sources dataframe that can be found in the VAST Pipeline documentation here, the following query could be defined:

my_query_string = (
    "n_measurements >= 3 "
    "& n_relations == 0 "
    "& min_snr >= 7.0"
Which translates to asking for sources that:

  • have 3 or more measurements,
  • have no relations,
  • and have a minimum SNR greater of equal to 7.

This is useful in order to dynamically apply filters rather than permenently filtering the sources dataframe.

It is passed to the method using the keyword argument query:

eta_thresh, v_thresh, eta_v_candidates, plot = my_run.run_eta_v_analysis(1.0, 1.0, query=my_query_string)
Check the Code Reference section of this documentation for full details of the arguments.

Warning: Bokeh Slow Down

A bokeh plot with thousands of datapoints from large pipeline runs may cause the notebook to suffer from slowdown.


Run the η-V process using threshold sigma values of 1.0 for each metric.

eta_thresh, v_thresh, eta_v_candidates, plot = my_run.run_eta_v_analysis(1.0, 1.0)

Example Plot

η-V transient plot.


Code reference.

Method to perform the two epoch analysis as detailed in Mooley et al., 2016 to the provided m and vs threshold values. The entire measurement_pairs_df is analysed for any pair that exceed the two provided thresholds.

The method returns a tuple containing two dataframes: the candidate sources and pairs. The candidate sources are the unique sources that have at least one measurement pair that exceed the threshold. The candidate pairs are all the measurement pairs that exceed the provided thresholds.

Tip: Query String

This method has the ability to pass a query string. See the tip in run_eta_v_analysis for details.


Run the two-epoch process with thresholds of v >= 4.3 and m >= 0.26.

two_epoch_candidate_sources, two_epoch_candidate_pairs = my_run.run_two_epoch_analysis(4.3, 0.26)

Last update: October 7, 2021
Created: July 26, 2021