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Using the Outputs

This page gives details on how to open and use the pipeline output files.

It is recommended to use pandas or vaex to read the pipeline results from the parquet files. See the sections below for more information on using each library.


It is also possible to use Dask to read the parquets in an out-of-core context but the general performance can sometimes be poor with many parquet files. vaex is the preferred out-of-core method.


Be sure to look at vast-tools, a ready-made library for exploring pipeline results!

Reading with pandas

pandas documentation.


pyarrow will be required to open parquets with pandas. We recommend using this instead of fastparquet.

To open a parquet using pandas use the read_parquet method:

import pandas as pd

sources = pd.read_parquet('pipeline-runs/new-test-data/sources.parquet')

    n_meas_forced  n_meas  ...  vs_abs_significant_max_int  m_abs_significant_max_int
id                         ...
1               0       3  ...                   55.050146                   0.191083
2               1       3  ...                   29.367098                   0.525999
3               0       3  ...                    4.388447                   0.199877
4               1       3  ...                   20.000058                   1.047998
5               0       3  ...                    0.000000                   0.000000

[5 rows x 31 columns]

To read multiple parquets at once using pandas a loop must be used:

import glob
import pandas as pd

files = glob.glob("pipeline-runs/images/*/measurements.parquet")
data = [pd.read_parquet(f) for f in files]
measurements = pd.concat(data, ignore_index=True)


If you don't require all the columns you can specify which columes to read using the columns variable.

sources = pd.read_parquet('pipeline-runs/new-test-data/sources.parquet', columns=['id', 'n_meas'])

Reading with vaex

vaex documentation.


vaex is a young project so bugs may be expected along with frequent updates. It has currently been tested with version 3.0.0. Version 4.0.0 promises opening parquet files in an out-of-core context.


Some pipeline parquet format files do not open with vaex 3.0.0. arrow format files should open successfully.

A parquet, or arrow file, can be opened using the open() method:

import vaex

measurements ='pipeline-runs/new-test-data/measurements.arrow')

  #    source  island_id         component_id            local_rms       ra       ra_err       dec      dec_err    flux_peak    flux_peak_err    flux_int    flux_int_err    bmaj     err_bmaj    bmin     err_bmin      pa      err_pa    psf_bmaj    psf_bmin    psf_pa  flag_c4      chi_squared_fit    spectral_index  spectral_index_from_TT    has_siblings      image_id  time                           name                                    snr    compactness    ew_sys_err    ns_sys_err    error_radius    uncertainty_ew    uncertainty_ns    weight_ew    weight_ns  forced      flux_int_isl_ratio    flux_peak_isl_ratio    id
  0       730  SB00004_island_1  SB00004_component_1a     0.463596  321.902  4.42819e-06  -4.20097  2.2637e-06       307.991         0.4742       425.175        1.04728    20.95  1.08838e-05   12.28  4.32359e-06  108.19  0.00160065       15.58        0       -73.86  False                3516.59               -99  True                      True                     2  2019-08-27 13:38:38.810000000  VAST_2118+00A_SB00004_component_1a  664.352       1.38048    0.000277778   0.000277778     5.05099e-06       0.000277824       0.000277824  1.29557e+07  1.29557e+07  False                 0.651019               0.709182   204
  1       730  SB00009_island_1  SB00009_component_1a     0.463422  321.902  3.52062e-06  -4.20103  2.45968e-06      318.544         0.472982     349.471        0.87264    21.4   8.50698e-06   12.78  5.46908e-06  107.02  0.0020224         5.72        0        46.03  True                15427.1                -99  True                      True                     3  2019-08-27 18:52:00.556000000  VAST_2118-06A_SB00009_component_1a  687.374       1.09709    0.000277778   0.000277778     4.26887e-06       0.000277811       0.000277811  1.29569e+07  1.29569e+07  False                 0.721399               0.7483     352
  2       730  SB00006_island_1  SB00006_component_1a     0.627357  321.901  4.58076e-06  -4.20086  2.92861e-06      310.503         0.662503     421.137        1.4171     17.05  1.07873e-05   12.42  6.89559e-06   90.71  0.00438684       10.51        4.24    -82.52  False                4483.74               -99  True                      True                     5  2019-10-29 10:28:07.911000000  VAST_2118+00A_SB00006_component_1a  494.938       1.35631    0.000277778   0.000277778     5.46682e-06       0.000277832       0.000277832  1.2955e+07   1.2955e+07   False                 0.677562               0.721427   670
  3       730  SB00011_island_1  SB00011_component_1a     0.627496  321.901  3.92144e-06  -4.20087  3.21715e-06      310.998         0.643049     350.901        1.21083    17.06  9.23494e-06   12.43  7.57501e-06   91.19  0.00481863        6.43        0        27.62  False                4405.81               -99  True                      True                     4  2019-10-29 13:39:33.996000000  VAST_2118-06A_SB00011_component_1a  495.618       1.12831    0.000277778   0.000277778     5.05099e-06       0.000277824       0.000277824  1.29557e+07  1.29557e+07  False                 0.677576               0.721816   511
  4       730  SB00005_island_1  SB00005_component_1a     0.346147  321.901  1.83032e-06  -4.20051  1.71797e-06      299.072         0.342783     288.462        0.579893   14.13  4.37963e-06   12.14  3.97013e-06   65.14  0.00546325        2.86        0         6.42  False                2661.49               -99  True                      True                     7  2019-10-30 09:10:04.340000000  VAST_2118+00A_SB00005_component_1a  864.004       0.964524   0.000277778   0.000277778     2.69987e-06       0.000277791       0.000277791  1.29588e+07  1.29588e+07  False                 0.659887               0.719556   976
  5       730  SB00010_island_1  SB00010_component_1a     0.347692  321.901  1.97328e-06  -4.20052  1.75466e-06      300.969         0.360198     353.643        0.695754   14.16  4.76862e-06   12.16  3.99059e-06   65.77  0.00546515        6.12        3.95     49.18  False                2412.18               -99  True                      True                     6  2019-10-30 10:11:56.913000000  VAST_2118-06A_SB00010_component_1a  865.62        1.17502    0.000277778   0.000277778     2.56132e-06       0.00027779        0.00027779   1.29589e+07  1.29589e+07  False                 0.664605               0.723765   816
  6       730  SB00007_island_1  SB00007_component_1a     0.387605  321.901  2.03947e-06  -4.20032  1.77854e-06      317.014         0.392106     332.662        0.701451   14.56  4.96382e-06   11.54  3.99573e-06   64.78  0.00375775        4.81        0        24.08  False                1486.99               -99  True                      True                    10  2020-01-11 05:27:24.605000000  VAST_2118+00A_SB00007_component_1a  817.88        1.04936    0.000277778   0.000277778     2.83165e-06       0.000277792       0.000277792  1.29587e+07  1.29587e+07  False                 0.666924               0.716339  1493
  7       730  SB00012_island_1  SB00012_component_1a     0.391978  321.901  2.12442e-06  -4.20032  1.81129e-06      318.042         0.404457     365.987        0.770202   14.57  5.18203e-06   11.53  4.0454e-06    65.33  0.00378202        5.75        3.63     46.53  False                1328.58               -99  True                      True                     9  2020-01-11 05:40:11.007000000  VAST_2118-06A_SB00012_component_1a  811.376       1.15075    0.000277778   0.000277778     2.69987e-06       0.000277791       0.000277791  1.29588e+07  1.29588e+07  False                 0.667317               0.717746  1330
  8       730  SB00008_island_1  SB00008_component_1a     0.432726  321.901  2.98443e-06  -4.20052  2.32201e-06      293.737         0.436863     309.072        0.784657   18.35  7.14713e-06   12.12  5.31097e-06  105.78  0.00261377        4.82        0        18.62  False                2448.82               -99  True                      True                    13  2020-01-12 05:23:07.478000000  VAST_2118+00A_SB00008_component_1a  678.807       1.05221    0.000277778   0.000277778     3.81819e-06       0.000277804       0.000277804  1.29576e+07  1.29576e+07  False                 0.63994                0.725001  1889
  9       730  SB00013_island_1  SB00013_component_1a     0.437279  321.901  3.14407e-06  -4.20052  2.36161e-06      294.141         0.451346     340.92         0.864347   18.38  7.55055e-06   12.12  5.36009e-06  106.18  0.00262701        6.01        4        51.55  False                2368.93               -99  True                      True                    12  2020-01-12 05:36:03.834000000  VAST_2118-06A_SB00013_component_1a  672.663       1.15903    0.000277778   0.000277778     4.00455e-06       0.000277807       0.000277807  1.29573e+07  1.29573e+07  False                 0.640807               0.72508   1740

Multiple parquet files can be opened at once using the open_many() method:

import glob
import vaex

files = glob.glob("pipeline-runs/images/*/measurements.parquet")
measurements = vaex.open_many(files)


You can convert a vaex dataframe to pandas by using the to_pandas_df() method:

import vaex

sources ='pipeline-runs/new-test-data/sources.parquet')
sources = sources.to_pandas_df()

Linking the Results

The table below shows what parameters act as keys to link data from the different results tables.


If loading the measurements via the .arrow file, then the measurements already have the source column in-place.


The images.parquet file contains the column measurements_path which can be used to get the filepaths for all the selavy parquet files.

Data Column Linked to Column
associations.parquet meas_id measurements.parquet, forced_measurements*.parquet id
associations.parquet source_id sources.parquet id (index column)
measurements.parquet, forced_measurements*.parquet image_id images.parquet id
images.parquet band_id bands.parquet id
images.parquet skyreg_id skyregions.parquet id
measurement_pairs.parquet meas_id_a, meas_id_b measurements.parquet, forced_measurements*.parquet id
measurement_pairs.parquet source_id sources.parquet id (index column)
relations.parquet from_source_id, to_source_id sources.parquet id (index column)


Link to the vast-tools repository.

VAST has developed a python library called vast-tools that makes the exploration of results from the pipeline simple and efficient, in addition to being designed to be used in a Jupyter Notebook environment.

For full details, refer to the repository located on GitHub and be sure to take a look at the example notebooks.

Last update: March 30, 2021
Created: March 18, 2021