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This section describe how to configure your VAST Pipeline installation.

Pipeline Configuration

The following instructions, will get you started in setting up the database and pipeline configuration.


The commands given in this section, unless otherwise stated, assume that the current directory is the pipeline root and that your pipeline Python environment has been activated.

  1. Create a database for the pipeline. If you followed the installation process, you will have a PostgreSQL Docker container running on your system. Use the provided script init-tools/ script to create a new database for the pipeline. As a security precaution, this script will also create a new database user and set the pipeline database owner to this new user.

    The initialization script requires several input parameters. For usage information, run with the --help option:

    python init-tools/ --help
    usage: [-h] host port admin-username admin-password username password database-name
    Initialize a PostgreSQL database for VAST Pipeline use. Creates a new superuser and creates a new database owned by the new superuser.
    positional arguments:
    host            database host
    port            database port
    admin-username  database administrator username
    admin-password  database administrator password
    username        username for the new user/role to create for the VAST Pipeline
    password        password for the new user/role to create for the VAST Pipeline
    database-name   name of the new database to create for the VAST Pipeline
    optional arguments:
    -h, --help      show this help message and exit

    Fill in the parameters as appropriate for your configuration. If you followed the installation instructions, these would be the details for your PostgreSQL Docker container. Following from the same example in the installation section:

    python init-tools/ localhost 55002 postgres <password> vast <vast-user-password> vastdb


    Where <password> is the superuser password that was passed to docker run, and <vast-user-password> is a new password of your choice for the new vast database user.

    You may change the values for the username and database-name, the above is just an example.

    If everything went well the output should be:

    Creating new user/role vast ...
    Creating new database vastdb ...
  2. Copy the setting configuration file template and modify it with your desired settings. Please refer to the .env File section on this page for further details about the settings that are set in this file along with their defaults.

    cp webinterface/.env.template webinterface/.env
  3. Set the database connection settings in the webinterface/.env file by modifying DATABASE_URL (for URL syntax see this link). For example:



    The connection details are the same that you setup during the installation. The database/user names must not contain any spaces or dashes, so use the underscore if you want, e.g. this_is_my_db_name.

  4. Create the pipeline database tables. The createcachetable command creates the cache tables required by DjangoQ.

    python migrate
    python createcachetable
  5. Create the pipeline data directories. The pipeline has several directories that can be configured in webinterface/.env:

    • PIPELINE_WORKING_DIR: location to store various pipeline output files.
    • RAW_IMAGE_DIR: default location that the pipeline will search for input images and catalogues to ingest during a pipeline run. Data inputs can also be defined as absolute paths in a pipeline run configuration file, so this setting only affects relative paths in the pipeline run configuration.
    • HOME_DATA_DIR: additional location to search for input images and catalogues that is relative to the user's home directory. Intended for multi-user server deployments and unlikely to be useful for local installations.

    While the default values for these settings are relative to the pipeline codebase root (i.e. within the repo), we recommend creating these directories outside of the repo and updating the webinterface/.env file appropriately with absolute paths. For example, assuming you wish to create these directories in /data/vast-pipeline:

    mkdir -p /data/vast-pipeline
    mkdir /data/vast-pipeline/pipeline-runs
    mkdir /data/vast-pipeline/raw-images
    mkdir /data/vast-pipeline/vast-pipeline-extra-data

    and update the webinterface/.env file with:


.env File

The .env file contains various top-level settings that apply to Django, authentication and the running of the pipeline itself. Shown below is the .env.template file which is provided to be able to copy in step 3 above.


# Django
# see
# BASE_URL=this for append a base url in a production deployment
# STATICFILES_DIRS= uncomment and fill to use
# EXTRA_APPS= uncomment and fill to use
# EXTRA_MIDDLEWARE= uncomment and fill to use

# Github Authentication

# Pipeline
# PIPELINE_MAINTAINANCE_MESSAGE=Uncomment and fill to show

The available settings are grouped into three distinct categories:


These settings are standard Django settings that are commonly set in the file of Django projects. Please see this page in the Django documentation for explanations on their meaning. Multiple entries for settings such as EXTRA_APPS or EXTRA_MIDDLEWARE can be entered as comma-separated strings like the following example:


GitHub Authentication

The settings in this section control the GitHub organization authentication method. Please refer to the Python Social Auth documentation for descriptions of the required settings.


By default the pipeline is set up for authentication using GitHub organizations. Note that switching to teams will require changes to Please refer to the instructions in the Python Social Auth documentation.


These settings apply to various aspects of the VAST pipeline itself. The table below provides descriptions of each setting.

Setting Default Value Description
PIPELINE_WORKING_DIR pipeline-runs The name of the working directory where pipeline run directories are created. The pipeline location acts as the root directory.
FLUX_DEFAULT_MIN_ERROR 0.001 In the event a measurement is ingested with a flux error of 0 from Selavy, the error is replaced with this default value (mJy).
POS_DEFAULT_MIN_ERROR 0.01 In the event a measurement is ingested with an positional error of 0 from Selavy, the error is replaced with this default value (arcsec).
RAW_IMAGE_DIR raw-images Directory where the majority of raw ASKAP FITS images are expected to be stored. This directory is scanned to provide user with an image list when configuration a job using the website interface.
HOME_DATA_DIR vast-pipeline-extra-data Not currently used. Safe to ignore.
PIPELINE_MAINTAINANCE_MESSAGE Disabled The message to display at the top of the webserver. See image below this table for an example. Comment out the setting to disable.
MAX_PIPELINE_RUNS 3 The allowed maximum number of concurrent pipeline runs.
MAX_PIPERUN_IMAGES 200 The allowed maximum number of images in a single pipeline run (non-admins).

Maintenance Message Example

PIPELINE_MAINTAINANCE_MESSAGE=This website is subject to rapid changes which may result in data loss and may go offline with minimal warning. Please be mindful of usage.

Maintenance message example.


The pipeline supports two authentication methods: GitHub Organizations, intended to multi-user server deployments; and local Django administrator. For a single-user local installation, we recommend creating a Django superuser account.

GitHub Organizations

Please refer to the Python Social Auth documentation for a complete description on this authentication method and how to set up the GitHub app used for authentication. All settings are entered into the .env file as detailed in the above section.

Django superuser

Create a Django superuser account with the following command and follow the interactive prompts.

python createsuperuser

This account can be used to log into the Django admin panel once the webserver is running (see Starting the Pipeline Web App) by navigating to https://localhost:8000/pipe-admin/. Once logged in, you will land on the Django admin page. Navigate back to the pipeline homepage http://localhost:8000/ and you should be authenticated.

Data Exploration via Django Web Server

You can start the web app/server via the instructions provided in Starting the Pipeline Web App.

Last update: May 21, 2021
Created: April 27, 2021