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Web App

This section describes how to run the pipeline Django web app/server.

Starting the Pipeline Web App

Make sure you installed and compiled correctly the frontend assets see guide

  1. Start the Django development web server:

    (pipeline_env)$ ./ runserver
  2. Test the webserver by pointing your browser at or http://localhost:8000.

The webserver is independent of runpipeline and you can use the website while the pipeline commands are running.

Running a pipeline run via the web server

It is possible to launch the processing of a pipeline run by using the relevant option on the pipeline run detail page. This uses DjangoQ to schedule and process the runs and a cluster needs to be set up in order for the runs to process:

  1. Check the Q_CLUSTER options in ./webinterface/ Refer to the DjangoQ docs if you are unsure on the meaning of any parameters.

  2. Launch the cluster using the following command, making sure you are in the pipeline environment:

    (pipeline_env)$ ./ qcluster

If the pipeline is updated then the qcluster also needs to be be restarted. A warning that if you submit jobs before the cluster is set up, or is taken down, then these jobs will begin immediately once the cluster is back online.

Last update: April 27, 2021
Created: January 31, 2021