Image & Selavy Catalogue Ingest¶
This page details the stage of the pipeline that ingests the images to be processed.
When the pipeline encounters an image for the first time (in any pipeline run), the image and accompanying selavy catalogue are uploaded to the pipeline database. The portion of a pipeline log file below shows the messages for the ingestion of three images.
Once an image is uploaded then that image is available for all other runs to use without having to re-upload.
2021-03-11 12:59:49,751 loading INFO Reading image VAST_0127-73A.EPOCH01.I.cutout.fits ...
2021-03-11 12:59:49,756 utils INFO Adding new frequency band: 887
2021-03-11 12:59:49,771 utils INFO Created sky region 21.838, -73.121
2021-03-11 12:59:49,775 utils INFO Adding new-test-data to sky region 21.838, -73.121
2021-03-11 12:59:50,100 loading INFO Processed measurements dataframe of shape: (203, 40)
2021-03-11 12:59:50,273 loading INFO Bulk created #203 Measurement
2021-03-11 12:59:50,334 loading INFO Reading image VAST_2118+00A.EPOCH01.I.cutout.fits ...
2021-03-11 12:59:50,345 utils INFO Created sky region 322.439, -3.987
2021-03-11 12:59:50,347 utils INFO Adding new-test-data to sky region 322.439, -3.987
2021-03-11 12:59:50,577 loading INFO Processed measurements dataframe of shape: (148, 40)
2021-03-11 12:59:50,708 loading INFO Bulk created #148 Measurement
2021-03-11 12:59:50,736 loading INFO Reading image VAST_2118-06A.EPOCH01.I.cutout.fits ...
2021-03-11 12:59:50,749 utils INFO Created sky region 322.439, -4.487
2021-03-11 12:59:50,752 utils INFO Adding new-test-data to sky region 322.439, -4.487
2021-03-11 12:59:50,977 loading INFO Processed measurements dataframe of shape: (159, 40)
2021-03-11 12:59:51,111 loading INFO Bulk created #159 Measurement
Ingest Steps Summary¶
- The FITS file is opened and read (the header is used to obtain metadata) along with the selavy component catalogue text file.
- The selavy component file is cleaned for erroneous components along with the calculation of extra measurements metrics such as
signal-to-noise ratio
and positional uncertainties. Also, optionally, flux errors are recalculated using the Condon (1997) method. See the Selavy Measurements Processing section below for further details. - Median, minimum and maximum root-mean-square (RMS) values are read from the accompanying RMS image provided by the user and these values are attached to the image.
- The image is also attached to a sky region and a frequency band based on its properties (see Sky Region and Frequency Band).
- The cleaned measurements (selavy components) are saved to a parquet file for repeated easy access.
- The overall image, band and sky region information for the pipeline run are written to a parquet file.
See Ingest Steps Details for further details on the steps.
Recalculating the uncertainties using the Condon method will overwrite the uncertainties provided by the input catalogue. Hence, this option should not be used if you have applied any sort of corrections to the input catalogue prior to ingest, or if you trust the existing uncertainties.
The image uniqueness is defined by the filename. If you wish to upload a different version of the same image, e.g. a version where different Selavy settings were used in the source extraction, then you would have to make sure the image filename was different to the previously ingested image.
Ingest Steps Details¶
Selavy Measurements Processing¶
The selavy measurements are checked for erroneous values that could cause issues with the source association. Any sources that are found to have the following properties are removed:
- Sources that have a peak or integrated flux value of 0.
- Sources that have a
value of 0. - Sources that have a
value less than half of the respective values of the image restoring beam.
In addition, components are also checked for zero values that can be corrected, where the correction values to apply are defined in either the user or overall pipeline configuration files. The field names of these zero checks are defined in the table below.
Field Name | Correct with | Location |
flux_int_err | FLUX_DEFAULT_MIN_ERROR | |
flux_peak_err | FLUX_DEFAULT_MIN_ERROR | |
local_rms | measurements.selavy_local_rms_fill_value | config.yaml |
refers to the pipeline configuration file webinterface/
which is configured by the system administrator and cannot be modified by regular users. config.yaml
refers to a pipeline run configuration file which is set by the user.
Condon (1997) Flux & Positional Errors¶
If selected in the pipeline run configuration file, the flux and positional errors are recalculated using the Condon (1997) method. The following errors are replaced with those that are recalculated:
Positional Errors (de Ruiter method)¶
Firstly, the systematic astrometry error from the user pipeline run configuration file (measurements.ra_uncertainty
and measurements.dec_uncertainty
) are applied to the measurement. These values are saved as ew_sys_err
and ns_sys_err
Currently the systematic errors applied at the pipeline run stage are then permanently fixed to the measurements, meaning that all subsequent runs using these measurements will use the fixed astrometic error.
It is recommended to leave the values to the default value of 1.0.
In order to apply the TraP
de Ruiter association method, some extra positional error values are calculated. Firstly the ra_err
and dec_err
are used to estimate the largest angular uncertainty of the measurement which is recorded as the error_radius
. It is estimated by finding the largest angular separation between the measurement coordinate and every coordinate combination of \(ra \pm \delta ra\) and \(dec \pm \delta dec\).
The final uncertainties are then defined as the hypotenuse values of ew_sys_err
and the error_radius
. These are defined as the uncertainty_ew
and uncertainty_ns
, respectively. The weights of the errors are defined as \(\frac{1}{\text{uncertainty_x}^{2}}\) where x
is either ew
or ns
Other Metrics¶
The table below defines extra metrics that are added to the measurements.
Field Name | Description |
time | The image datetime applied to the measurement. |
snr | \(\frac{\text{flux_peak}}{\text{local_rms}}\). |
compactness | \(\frac{\text{flux_int}}{\text{flux_peak}}\). |
flux_int_isl_ratio | \(\frac{\text{flux_int}}{\text{total_island_int_flux}}\). |
flux_peak_isl_ratio | \(\frac{\text{flux_peak}}{\text{total_island_peak_flux}}\). |
Sky Region¶
The pipeline defines sky regions
that are used to easily find images that cover the same region of the sky. A sky region is defined by:
- The central coodinate.
- The width in both ra and dec (the
values are used here, see Uploaded Image Information). - An extraction radius (
is used here, again see Uploaded Image Information).
Hence, images that cover the exact same patch of sky will be assigned to the same sky region.
Frequency Band¶
The image is associated to a frequency object in the pipeline that represents the observational frequency information of the image. The frequency
and the bandwidth
are recorded.
Image RMS Values¶
The median, minimum and maximum values are calculated directly from the RMS map supplied by the user as a required input. This is achieved by loading the data from the FITS file and using the respective numpy
operations on the data array to obtain the values.
FITS Headers Used¶
The table below defines which header fields are used to read the image information.
Header Field | Used For |
DATE-OBS | The date and time of the observation. |
TIMESYS | The timezone of the date and time. |
DURATION | Duration of the observation in seconds. |
STOKES | Stokes parameter of the image. |
TELESCOP | Telescope name. |
BMAJ | Major axis size of the restoring beam. |
BMIN | Minor axis size of the restoring beam. |
BPA | Position angle of the restoring beam. |
NAXIS1 | Size of the image RA axis in pixels. |
NAXIS2 | Size of the image Dec axis in pixels. |
CTYPE3(or 4) | Check if equal to FREQ to use for frequency information. |
CRVAL3(or 4) | Central frequency. |
CDELT3(or 4) | Bandwidth. |
can also be used as fallback options for frequency detection.
The pixel scales are obtained with astropy.wcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_scales
Uploaded Image Information¶
The table below defines what is defined and uploaded using the meta data (FITS header) and other inputs.
Field Name | Default | Description |
measurements_path | n/a | The system path to the corresponding selavy components file (saved as a parquet file by the pipeline) |
polarisation | I | The polarisation of the image (currently only Stokes I is supported). |
name | n/a | The name of the image which is taken from the filename. |
path | n/a | The system path to the image FITS file. |
noise_path | '' | The system path to the related noise image FITS file. |
background_path | '' | The system path to the related background image FITS file. |
datetime | n/a | Observational datetime of the image. |
jd | n/a | Observational datetime of the image in Julian days format. |
duration | 0 | Duration of the observation (if found in header). Seconds. |
ra | n/a | The Right Ascension of the image pointing centre. Degrees. |
dec | n/a | The Declination of the image pointing centre. Degrees. |
fov_bmaj | n/a | The estimated major axis field-of-view value - the radius_pixels multiplied by the major axis pixel size. Degrees. |
fov_bmin | n/a | The estimated minor axis field-of-view value - the radius_pixels multiplied by the minor axis pixel size. Degrees. |
physical_bmaj | n/a | The actual major axis on-sky size - the number of pixels on the major axis multiplied by the major axis pixel size. Degrees. |
physical_bmin | n/a | The actual minor axis on-sky size - the number of pixels on the minor axis multiplied by the minor axis pixel size. Degrees. |
radius_pixels | n/a | Estimated 'diameter' of the useable image area. Pixels. |
beam_bmaj | n/a | The size of the major axis of the image restoring beam. Degrees. |
beam_bmin | n/a | The size of the minor axis of the image restoring beam. Degrees. |
beam_bpa | n/a | The position angle of the image restoring beam. Degrees East of North. |
rms_median | n/a | The median RMS value from the RMS map. mJy/beam. |
rms_min | n/a | The minimum RMS value from the RMS map (pixel value). mJy/beam. |
rms_max | n/a | The maximum RMS value from the RMS map (pixel value). mJy/beam. |